Saturday, January 30, 2010

First blog...we are the creators of our reality

I will be talking about new thought and if my blog is a run on some aspect of human activities, then new thought will run through the perspective.

Humanity's insanity is ruining the world with a myriad of pollutions, calculated destruction, and unneeded technologies that are also corrupting the the human mind and spirit. We are essentially dull minded creatures that want to come up with many fixes which usually are too slow to come, are ineffective procedures with the underlying intent of lining someones greedy pockets, or even worse ends up doing even more potential damage to the environment and our minds.

Our lazy natures seem not to be able to question how to bring it all into balance.
At least some are waking up to the distorted messes we are collectively creating in government, religion, in the environment and through our corporations. Let this awakening be a mirror into the divisions in the individual mind where all the disharmony has its roots.

With most lives, one daily struggles with the stress, striving; ever busy with daily survival with all its ongoing negativity, hatefulness, greed and envy. Most spend more time either searching for pleasure or practicing pleasurable habits to escape the stress of it all thus keeping our minds dull and our adrenaline active.

What can one do to bring about a fundamental inward change so that ones actions, thoughts and feelings reflect peace and harmony even in the midst of an insane world with all its fighting, killing, greed and uncertainty?

Can we understand and realize that we are, by our actions toward one another, by our actions toward the earth that we are evolving towards a final dissolution that would spell the end of life as we have known?

As the creators of this existing disharmony, I ask, can it be turned around into a harmonious existence so our planet is renewed and sustainably reproductive to meet all the needs of humanity, the animals of the earth, and all of its biological forms as well? If we remain only selfishly and narcissistically looking out only for our individual selves, then the answer to this important question is no. The divisions in our politics, in our religions, in our own personal actions and activities have manifested out of the divisions in our minds filled with egotistic righteousness that ever creates more division by not examining our fears. With a mind that primarily focuses on protective fearful motivations, one insures life as usual: hateful, ignorant, unquestioning,judgmental, murderous, fearful of neighbors, government and nations with rare or occasional peace or love experiences.

If one is interested in these questions, then also ask if one can start by looking at ones own mind to begin to understand how it operates, what kind of content it dwells on, what false beliefs it holds on to, what false hopes it inspires, how it is deeply conditioned by so many factors accumulated through out life that one is left in a boggled and tangled process that is not founded on logic but fear and judgment. If observing the self has any appeal to you then clear seeing is only possible with a mind that observes objectively, unfettered by the past or future as though you've stepped into your body from another planet and want to learn how this body thinks and operates through daily reality. In this mode, there is no judgment, no comparison, no evaluating, only quiet listening and observing.

If it is the combined collective consciousness that has created the problems in the world that bring us daily stress, then the responsibility lies in the individual for acquiescing to actions that are harmful to life and to the self. Our unquestioned agreements bring inequalities that people must face every day.
To question how one relinquishes responsibility for the messes in the world might be a wake up call that begins to bring some clarity to the falsity of many of our most cherished beliefs.

Clear seeing, which only can occur when there is attentive listening, when there is no agenda, no reliance on memory on on ones hopes and achievements and is without any judgment whatsoever, is the action where intelligence operates. Being one with intelligence is and action that can mirror back our true reality; our involvements with our petty thoughts, needs and habits that interfere with our peace and harmony.

Studying the structure of ones mind in this way reveals personally and deeply ones unhealthy thoughts and depictions about reality that are based upon false beliefs and conditioning that never allow true freedom and peace.

The world is on fire, enraged from humanities actions and the continuity of physical life is approaching a chasm. This chasm represents the deep chasm in ones mind individually and collectively.

Most people admire learning enough to bring comfort and security to their lives. Ultimately though what we learn are concepts passed on by our our politics, religious beliefs, our culture and our heritage with all of the failures to bring peace over the ages of history. The big failure is the blind acceptance of the authority that all this conditioning expects and requires which has inculcated our minds and hearts so we have become robotic leaving our inquiring abilities lost or diminished enough so one follows the status quo. This has always been our biggest misfortune.

We seem to have lost our independence and individuality as thinkers as we have succumbed to the illusory safety net that religious and politics ever offer. Today we need include the the corporate mentality that has infiltrated our thinking and beliefs. We are daily deluged with propaganda by government, religion and corporations that one doesn't know who or what to believe. Our divisions have distanced us from our hearts and so we create heartless deeds and actions.

One is not as in charge of ones mind as one might think.

A mind that is ever crowded with thoughts and opinions, dwelling on the past, the future, ones upsets and guilt and on ones insecurities will never have the space where intelligence dwells. This is a mind that intellect rules and exerts control so it never has space available avoiding intelligence.

A mind that never stops thinking is a mind filled with division and has a justification for every upset and division it encounters. This creates a demanding continuous screen that never allows true perception of reality. Reality is constantly influenced by ones past and by ones thoughts about reality as it should be rather than as it is.

If thought is the instigator that creates reality, then simple examination of the horror of our creation should lead us to investigate the truth or falsity of our thoughts and beliefs. An opinionated and cluttered mind will not have the cap0acity to invite intelligence, the liberator from all delusion. When one begins to experience and know that reality exists because of our collective thoughts and beliefs, one can come to understand that reality is inclusive of all of its life forms and all is animated by a unifying intelligence. One then realizes one is part of the collective consciousness of all life forms on earth and by extension, of the universe. With deep understanding of this principle, one realizes that ones actions complement the whole because one is included rather than excluded in the design of reality. The psychological divisions then have an opportunity to go dormant, and fade away. This may be the beginning of peace.